Reception Online learning
- Speak to your teacher when she calls on Tuesday.
- Post a message in the Teams chat and your teacher will respond.
- If it is urgent, contact the school office.
Welcome to week 3 of Online learning.
We would like to remind you that all teachers will be live on Teams from 8.50 am to 2.45 pm Children are expected to log in for their registration between 9.00 - 9.30am and for afternoon registration 1.10 - 1.40pm. We look forward to seeing you virtually.
Further information can be found by watching the videos on the home page of the website.
For this week's Remote Learning Video, please log into your teams account.
Log into your Tapestry account each day to see the tasks set for you to try with your child. We look forward to you uploading photos or videos so that we can share in your child's achievements.
This weeks English Task
This weeks Maths Task
This weeks Fine Motor Task
This weeks Challenge Task for you to add to your child's Tapestry