Collective Worship
Collective worship is an expression of our Christian vision. Our regular Christian ‘welcoming’ shows the children our Christian identity and how our school lives because of our values and vision. Following a liturgical pattern, every worship follows the structure of gather, engage, respond and send. Every worship begins with children entering to music, and the three candles are lit to represent the Trinity and to welcome the class to worship .The set-up of the table at the front of our hall has the relevant liturgical colours of the cloth and the presence of the Bible. Throughout the year we follow aspects of Christian calendar.
Via use of the Roots and Fruits books we are able to deliver our collective worship sessions in a way that caters for different learning styles. Teachers are encouraged to relate the biblical stories to real life situations that our pupils and their families may face at home and in school. The use of Picture News also helps pupils to consider the plight of others across the globe.