Interfaith Week
As part of our RE curriculum, our children take part in Interfaith week. The aim of this is for our children's awareness of the different and distinct faith communities within the UK increases, and celebrate their contributions to neighbourhoods and to the wider society. Additionally this also builds on our British Value focus for this half-term which is tolerance.
Visits to a variety of religious buildings, meeting and interacting with people in our community, sharing knowledge and information first hand s of various cultures, promotes respect, inclusivity and compassion towards all people regardless of background, religion or culture.
This year, each year group will be exploring a different faith which will also include a visit to their place of worship during week beginning 7 – 11th November.
Year 2 visit Birmingham Central Mosque
Year 3 & 4 visit the Gurdwara
Year 5 visit the Synagogue
Year 6 visit the Buddhist temple